
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Wizards and Cursed Men

I was lucky enough to read the first review for The Wizards. You can read it here if you want. It's very touching and short, so you won't waste too much of your time. 

Now, I know, we don't do this for the reviews, but it is always nice to read those things. 

Currently, my Wizards are on tour. And so is Miles Trevor. They are two main characters in my little drama (you can see the graphics for the tours down below). R&R is taking care of the Wizards book tour and Bewitching is taking care of Quantum of the Past: Redux. Both have giveaways, which they advised, would help things out. 😅

I have also done a few interviews and blog posts. I went crazy with this one. I smelled sheep. The only thing that bugged me was that I couldn't reply to the comments some folks left behind. 

Well, all of that has been fun. And it's not over yet. I still have to "appear" in other places. Absolution: Redux is getting a turn at the end of this month. Eventually, Ascension, The Wizards Collide, and Apotheosis will all get a turn too. Ideas are just flowing out of my bored head.


Recently, I watched this movie. It was available on Amazon Prime. Although I loathe stories and movies in which the main character is a writer, this one is too funny to avoid. John Ritter is hilarious! 

Talk about a cursed man! John Ritter's character is an alcoholic womanizer (cause the two usually go hand in hand), who has writer's block. Now, I don't believe in writer's block, but in the context of the story it works. 

I have never laughed so hard. Yeah, it's raunchy and probably not very kid-friendly. But...I laughed hard. So, if you like Deadpool humor, you should try this movie out. 

And that's what I've been up to. Watching funny movies. Burning up in this heat. Avoiding the Delta variant. Getting ready to go back to work. And reading. My work. 

My red pen knows no rest. 


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